Latest Update
Upload Profile Picture for Club Members
Clubreg 3.0 now allows club officials to attach profile pictures to each club member.
Updates to Clubreg 3.0
Clubreg 3.0 has been updated so that all tabs are now rendered on the left by default.
By having left aligned tabs, it is possible to increase the number of features which this component can manage. A club might want to manage the stats for each member, or they may want to manage the medical history for players, the attendance records etc. the list is endless.
Each new tab can be added to all profile types or configured for certain profile types and the content can be loaded asynchronously.
Improved Features for Clubreg 3.0
ClubReg 3.0 has been given a make over for joomla 3.0 , some of the new features include,
- Capture expression of interest from the public.
- Convert EOI to registered members / players.
- Three member / player types (Senior , Junior, Guardian).
- New layout for player / member profiles.
- Collapsible search filters.
- Collapsible search lists.
- Six configurable tabs.
- New user interface for managing player / member details.
- Highly configuable list of Player groups, Subgroups, File types, Asset type.
- Capture much more details about players / members in a separate tab.
- Change positions of tab (Top, Left or Right)
- Change the width of the tab pane.
- Hide or show only a few number of tabs or use the full set
- New Language files.
- Export filtered list to excel (csv file)
- Batch processing of members / players